Unofficial Tos/Tou agreement (just a Poll)

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Hoes_Luv_Me, Jul 15, 2019.


Do you agree to the TOU/TOS

  1. Yes

    46 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
  1. No you agreed with ATA, but did you vote?
  2. If you had selected the option to view the participants, you would know this answer already.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. You must want me to hijack your account or something.....bit did you VOTE?
  5. I took it as op asking do you agree with it as in support or not, but it doesn't matter if you support or like tou since ata isn't going to care not change
    Hoes_Luv_Me likes this.
  6. Nah he's just chasing clout and seeking attention with another pointless thread so taking him seriously is pointless.

    And NO I did not vote. What you gon do about it?
  7. Hack you, but did you vote?
  8. Pls hijack my account 😮 And yes i did
  9. Don't be stupid, it's best you go report me now....and see if ATA thinks I'm not with that schitz!
  10. Can I get some:oops:?
    Muschi likes this.
  11. *lets u have a sip*
    Kaho likes this.
  12. NNAAAA he’s not seeing as I already brought this up and all he can say is NoPe BuT dId YoU vOtE
  13. Ok but did you vote?
  14. Yea

    But I lied
  15. Ok then leave
  16. I mean I don’t really have to doe. Maybe I’m interested to see if other non-voters will vote
  17. If you ain't at least voting "Yes" then you have no further business in this thread....
  18. Oh so if I voted no, I can’t be here? What kinda bs head count you running mr. BuT dId YoU vOtE
    Victoria and Muschi like this.
  19. Just because she HaS nO bUsInEsS iN tHiS tHrEaD doesn't mean she isn't allowed to reply still. Pimd threads are open to replies for everyone
    Alicia likes this.