Unlocking the plunder formula: level 1

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Jul 3, 2021.

  1. I did some tests cause someone asked me about plunder this hunt.

    We are very far, as a community, from fully understanding how both plunder and drops work and how they can be maximised.

    I'm too lazy and don't have enough alts to test everything on my own but sometimes it seems like I'm the only person posting about it in forums so stuff it, I'm at least going to start.

    My question today was this: you know how we get a bonus payout at the end of a party? And how both the eavesdrop and prank actions on parties don't show their payout until the end of the party? Well, just what exactly is the hidden payout on the "money bars" /dance and fight?

    Find out after the notes.

    Here are the notes:
    All these hits were done at 1050% my normal plunder, with cp so plunder can be divided by 10.5 to correspond to plunder outside of event times.

    My build is 54m/12m

    6 eats
    5.26B each, displayed.

    Expected plunder: 31.56b

    Displayed% plunder on eat: 0.65
    Hidden% plunder on eat: 0.35

    48.6b plunder
    17b participation payout (shown in notifications at end of party)

    (5.26*6)+17 = 48.56

    30% of energy (eat) = 48.56b
    Eat damage per = 8.1b
    6 eats = 48.56
    10 facepalms = 39.1b
    Facepalm damage per = 3.9b

    Lots of snarks. 5% each
    435m plunder shown per hit

    There are 4 hits and here are their breakdowns.

    Dance: 65% shown plunder. 35% plunder, withheld until end of party.
    Fight: 65% shown plunder. 35% plunder withheld until end of party.
    Prank: 0% shown plunder. 100% plunder withheld until end of party.
    Sigh: 0% shown plunder. 100% plunder witheld until end of party.

    Let me know if you got the same results:
    The next thread in this series will either
    1) Compare plunder from both money bars on a wide variety of parties to find out their individual plunder modifiers. or
    2) Testing whether your build (heavy strength vs heavy intel) changes the ratio between intel and str actions on parties.
    so basically this test would need two accounts of any size, but of opposite builds.

    There are a lot of factors and very few answers about how one's raw stats/size influence damage.

    There is a lot to go over and a lot of factors that are impossible to control for...

    However I think the receptiveness of party plunder to our builds is weak...

    If the ratio between a fight and a dance on a party for a strength build is positive... Like the strength action gives 2b and the intel action gives 1b, then you might think their strength was helping...

    But say... Is an intel build also has that exact same 2:1 ratio between the plunder of intel and strength actions... Then we could complain to the developers and say that intels should make more money for intel actions and strengths should make more money for strength actions, and it doesn't make sense for someone to have to use another build's actions to make the most out of parties.

    I hope someone gets that.

    This information would be significant in how people choose builds. Many players believe intel to be best for plunder but I have to warn them from this myth as it is unproven... But it'd be pretty simple to prove.

    If an intel is reading this, of any size or stats, I could use your help. Plz message me.

    If anyone can beat me to making them, that would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Nerd : (

    Seriously nerd players like this need to be made MODs or banned by ATA. These are the players that end up finding app game glitches that ruin app games.

    tru story. : (
  3. Lol, they r doing good. If they could find glitch in game ATAs work will get easier to find those glitches and bugs and fix them asap. Think +ve 🌹
    Jennielee likes this.