United States vs. Australia.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Randomguy voted for US 
  2. USA has never lost the world. USA FTW!!!

  3. USA definitely for sure
  4. I'm Australian but I'd holiday in America coz the Aus$ is stronger than the US$ but if that wasn't the case... AUSTRALIA is my vote
  5. B.U.M.P.

    USA's taking the lead..australians, where are you?

  6. Aussie Aussie aussiiieeeeee
  7. 
  8. Where are all the Aussies 
  9. AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!
  10. Aussie Aussie Aussie!
  11. Australia
  12. ..I take my call for Australians back.

    USA's? 
  13. Come on seriously. It has to be Australia. :)