How did we plot against you. Yes we also got involved to not only stop Germany from crushing you but we also got involved to stop Germany before they could make it here. But that's not plotting against u
Haha, you obviously know nothing about History, USA planned to attack Britain but got bombed by the Japs and actually the Russians destroyed Germany
I do think U.S. Did plot to attack Britain, may just be a rumor, I need to check into that Anyways, my friend got dead island and he said when he went online all he heard were British people
I know, speaking of video games, I can't wait for MW3 it's gonna be in England, Germany, America, and France (setting)
@Lonely you are an idiot. We did not plan to attack you. If we did it would have made no difference. We would have just bombed the crap out of Japan like we did and then we would have crushed you. Cause we could have.
I'm not an idiot, you are for knowing nothing about history. But anyway yeah, I prefer Battlefield though so I'll be getting Battlefield 3 and not MW3, but I like how the modern warfare series is based around two British guys
Brad, I believe there was a plot to attack UK, and They wouldve put up a hell of a fight... Who knows who would've won
Lol ikr lonely, I like them both, I think I'm gonna get them both, battlefield seems more realistic though
I played the Battlefield beta and it was amazing, I don't have enough money for both, but I will be getting the new Assassin's Creed, I'm a massive AC fanboy
Me too... I don't know about getting the new one so soon though I know the beta was AMAZING! lots of glitches though, I went under the map once
I'm a long range guy, I like to kill people from far away so I slip a 4x Acog on the M16A3 and blast your head off or use a SV98 with a 12x ballistic scope and a bipod
I love sniping, I'd see you running across the map and I'd just take your head off from the opposite side of the map