United Kingdom vs. United States.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. 
  2. I'll try and include other countries in another thread..

    But for now, UK vs. US .
  3. Another few hours, then we'll have Phase 2 
  4. America :lol: no contest
  5. Has anybody noticed that the American flag looks similar to the british one?
  6. USA FTW. The Americans are cool people 
  7. Also America used a lot of British place names.
  8. Cause at one time. The eastern US used to be a British colony until we declared independence from Britain in the American Revolution
  9. I think we all know that.
  10. So you don't want our royals. But you'll keep our names? :p
  11. Mister_Eagle, is that a vote for UK from you? :D

    There's some similarities.. Colorwise most noticeably. ;)
  12. I'll always vote for Britain 
  13. It was easier to keep the names the same I guess. Plus it also reminds people of their past and hopefully that they won't repeat it
  14. USA 
  15. @Mister_Eagle

    Good :p
  16. 
  17. British power. ^_^