United Kingdom vs. United States.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Go USA!
  2. United Kingdom vs. United States

    The Winner was: USA! 

    Results: 50 to UK, 52 to US.

    Phase 3:

    United States vs. <insert Phase 2 winner>
  3. Noooo!!! 
  4. UK...

    America is a much bigger country, millions more people which would mean that more Americans would be on votes...
  5. I live in the USA  But I want to move to England. 
  6. And only coz there's more people on here that are americans then british
  7. I live in the US, always wanted to visit the UK though.
  8. Evening governor ?️ Uk vote

    We founded and created America, so shouldn't American votes also go to the Uk ? ?
  9. :lol:
  10. ... I'm USA I like my freedoms and all But Screw it hands down go U.K.!!!!

    edit: Waits for the "Leave the country then rants to begin"

    #Baitset #TrollHunting
  11. Don't bother. It's Asia now
  12. Especially in east London 
  13. UK
  14. I've always wanted to get whispered "u wot m8" into my ears by a person with a thick British accent so UK