Unicode ghost thingy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Echo-, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. 
  2. oh wow...... Tht blows
  3. I understand what you're talking about.
    I've got no idea at all how to do it however.
  4. ʕ•̺͡•ʔ ʕ•̫͡•ʔ ʕ•͓͡•ʔ ʕ•̬͡•ʔ ʕ•̭͡•ʔ ʕ-̺͡-ʔ ʕ-̫͡-ʔ ʕ-͓͡-ʔ ʕ-̬͡-ʔ ʕ-̭͡-ʔ ʕ*̺͡*ʔ ʕ*̫͡*ʔ ʕ*͓͡*ʔ ʕ*̬͡*ʔ ʕ*̭͡*ʔ q
  5. Giant just tell us
  6. Zeuss it your job partly to answer questions...so how do u do it????::-/
  7. ʕ•̫͡•?•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•?•̫͡•?•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•?
    I think I got it 
  8. Can't tell 
  9. They were being mean the whole thread cause noone likes you spider you troll
  10. Spy, I'm becoming an official _Warrior side-kick. Erp. Ima changing my name to _Webboo. Blarg.
  11. So many trolls on here, it's brilliant and that  was the only helpful answer
  12. Haters gunna hate. :/

    No, I like him. He's a nice troll. Unlike all you damned haters that don't know how to forget. -.-"
  13. Yep I'm hatin on da noob
  14. Jake, get out