Dear diary, The year is 3721. Time travel has been invented and I have gone back in time to post this entry using this dinosaur technology. Ew. Everyone's hairstyles and clothes and everything is just… so… old. Not even my grandmother says 'swag'!? Anyways. Royale has still not updated.
I could make something happen in that time frame ? maybe. Depends on the one with the actual talent (Qin).
BANANA!? UPDATE ROYALE or you will have to face my banana. Death by my banana is worse than death by elephant SO YOU UPDATE SOON KAY????
Aww, look at SpitFire over there being mean about the good stories on here because he can't write anything as brilliant as this himself
Im flattered. So many people like my writing. When it's under someone elses name of course. Sarcasm font. Lol Chewie I agree to a degree that is unhealthy.