Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. idk im not getting frags when i hit & they're not combining ☹
  2. Love the Female avatars  and the top 100 ones?
  3. team vampire
  4. All chose vampire so we all win guys
  5. If i dont chose any? What happen?? Do i lose cash
  6. I don’t get the PVP leaderboard thing.. like who do the rewards go to? Like the ghost avi lord queen thing and the other stuff? Does it go to the account that won 1st place or to players who were on the winning side?
  7. To the ones on the winning side
  8. Are the avis really blue from PVP LB? 
  9. O i think i made a mistake ? is there no female avi for team demons?
  10. awww i choose no pvp then what will happen next? i cannot get the avis?? 
  11. Nope
  12. T.T thank you T.T
  13. that’s a bit op.. literally half of pimd is going to have the “exclusive” avis not to mention they have T10 equivalent stats  but ok i’m not complaining
  14. ^ competition worth going for >:)
  15. Technically it might be more like 1/3 of PIMD since there were 3 options: demon, vamp, or none.
  16. i choose "no pvp" but what if i hit a demon/vampire ???
  17. There’s an answer but there’s also one way to find out
  18. #teamvampire
  19. Is there an specific amount of PvP that you have to win in order to get the HECCO stuff? ?
  20. It’s random, win some or don’t win any