Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. Please tell me there is a female démon avi.  IF i only knew that it's going to be démon - male, vampír - female.. I wouldnt choose démon team. 
  2. All the vampire avis are female, and all the demon avis are male!
  3. ^ bad bad bad ?
  4. Why are the female avs Intel heavy again? They were just Intel heavy last hunt?

  5. Please add male vampires and female demons :(
  6. Whyyyy
  7.  coulda told us before hand. I wouldn’t have picked demon then.
  8. So how many times do I need to hit someone before I steal their fragments?
  9. About time for pvp
  10. That’s literally the dumbest idea ever, why make all females avis vampires ?
  11. Lol. "Like a serious bonnet" cute.
  12. Wait so couldn’t you have said that when I choose my team? be like btw this is a female story or this is a male story ?
  13. Perfect. Halloween is just amazing. Team Vampires! Always 
  14. The avi thing is stupid, there should be both genders on each team. ☹️
  15. Wait so if I chose vampires, I only get girl avas?
  16. Here l was... hoping for a lit female demon >.>
  17. Me too but I guess that's what we get for wishful thinking D":
  18. ^same. it probably won't change tho, avatar designing typically takes some time