Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. Who cares about alts and ppl trying to cheat the system
  3. ^Thank you!!!!
  4. I just wanted to thank ATA for taking the time to remake the winning team avatar for all the people who didn't get that many skeletons. You easily could have given us no avatars. I love the idea of ghostly avatars, and the grey scale is just as awesome.

    They may of slashed the stats, but the stats are still great.

    Congratulations to all the Team Vampires who got the ultra awesome VIP version in blue. You guys worked hard
  5. How about next time ATA actually discloses proper information and doesn’t false advertise prizes
  6. Imo: the grey scale one is gorgeous! I’d switch with you if i could lol
  7. ^ You two have the same one.
  9. Lol yeah realized it after it used it. I’m glad
  12. yes it seems u had to have at least 3 skeletons to get the decor box
  13. For people wondering you had to have at LEAST 3 skeletons to get the decor box. Also for the people who had more skeletons their avis are different colors which is kind of cool. Just for rewards in general you could of had at least 1 skeleton, you just wouldn't get everything.
  14. I agree.
  15. Agree
  16. Honestly, this! ??
  17. My PvP avatars arent loading...keeps saying 'error not found'.

    ATA Where you at?
  18. Send a help ticket.
  19. Honestly I didn’t get that many so I was expecting no rewards at all. Thanks ATA! It’s better than nothing for those of us that didn’t do that well :) “never look a gift horse in the mouth” as they say. I agree that it would have been nice to know from the get go that there would be requirements but at this point we all know how ATA can be 

  20. AGREED!