Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. Why are people mad? I was so excited about the avi that I forgot what else I won 
  2. I'm curious what the breakdown is?
  3. I’m sorry, but that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard  it literally showed the two teams on the LB 
  4. Same here, I understand why they’ve slashed the stats but I wanna know what the actual requirements were
  5. I think it went by soul tiers. 3,5,18,40
  6. We want answers! ?
  7. They definitely were, with prizes for 1 too, but I want like a full rundown of who got what yknow?
  8. I realize there's no 5 but so far I've seen a stat difference in 3 souls and 5 souls but haven't seen a jump in avi stats anywhere from 5-17 souls.
  9. Nicely done.
  10. I’m just mad because NONE of the things about this hunt were even specified. Had I known I needed more skeletons I WOULD HAVE actually tried harder. I did spend a bit of money I had left after I gave up on leaderboard, so really it’s not like I don’t deserve the reward I was actually promised and actually worked for. ??‍♂️
  12. It's not bad to give different rewards depends on what we collected but atleast inform us.?
  13. I brought my pitchfork

  14. Let’s set the world on fire 
  15. Fully agree with this. Had I known the requirements I would’ve gone harder at it. But no, I think ATA likes screwing us over tbh. 
  16. Agreed. You said NOTHING about the percentage of the avatars ?
  17. Is it the same way with the decor boxes? I got everything from the leaderboard but thebdecor box an don’t know why
  18. WOOO!

    Thanks for the super strong Avi :)
  19. Congrats ??
  20. I find it sad for those who picked the wining side team vampire yet didn't get enough skeletons just to get the vip Avis they say picked the wining team and have collected the follow adequate amount of items yet you get players hopes up... Think of the people with Alts and picked the winning side...