Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  9. Just got my rewards. Only had 3 skeletons. I guess that was adequate??
  10. but what are the stats on your avis? mine are not 100+
  11. They jacked the stats ?
  12. Why did you lower the stats so much??? Wtf???
  13. So stupid so basically if you had 8souls you win if you have 1 like me I loose waste of my time farming for them then
  14. Really ATA?

    You CHANGED the rewards for certain players even if they collected your “aDequAte” amount skeletons?

    What absolute bull.
  15. I even got 9! Like I was broke from trying for leaderboard yet I still tried hard! Tf ATA? THIS is why we don’t want to work hard, not because we don’t KNOW the amount of skeletons you want. BS.
  17. Needed to make it more clear. Didn't bother with the PvP because thought it was supposed to be Top 1 player on winning side. If I'd have known I could have got the avi with at least 1 skele, I might have tried. As if PvP isn't hard enough for lower stats
  18. Considering I made 1 skeleton, I'm happy with the rewards lol..y'all some greedy entitled people
  19. Lolol I can’t help but laugh myself... disappointed but not surprised 