Undead Undergrads

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. I only made 3 skeletons but what I did was:

    Buy every strength and intelligence item from the shop. Also load up on defense items.

    Find people that have 80 frags and eavesdrop, and then only hit if I have a 70% or better chance of winning.

    Hit until I get less than 5 frags per hit.

    Move on lmao. And repeat until I make a skeleton.
  2. Also I meant 80 or more.
  3. You received frags from ed?
  4. No. Only from fighting and dance off.
  5. If you gave all your fangs away to the other team because you're to stupid to complete your skull before going to bed...then you're helping the other team, not your own.

    That's treason and you deserve nothing.
  6. Event is almost finished...guess we all gonna see what ATA is up too.
  7. If u out here farming so called "freeloaders" ill just farm u. Simple
  8. Listen, it’s fine if you want to make it so you need X amount of skeletons or whatever to get the leaderboard rewards. Honestly, that makes sense. However, to change it 2 days before the hunt is over isn’t fair. This was a short hunt to begin with.
  9. Bring it big boy, I crushed you from pin

    Also....I GOT MY 40 SKULLS!!!

    I'll sell my bat to one of y'all freeloaders for 30bentos obo
  10. Refer to H0MO’s comment about not sleeping when you’ve almost completed a skeleton - it’s not difficult.
    Also still wheezing at the fact you think 8mcs is big so bare with me.
    If you refer to the rest of my comments, I think everyone on our team deserves some kind of small reward since ATA fucked up so bad, but I don’t think we all deserve such a high stat avatar, especially when you’ve just sat by and let people take your fragments. Frankly, I don’t even think I deserve anything. 3 skeletons outta 11k is nothing. Don’t whine because you didn’t try hard enough.
  11. Lmfaooo u hit me on my alt an account I give no fucks about
  12. Not going to lie this was rather annoying people wait till you have almost got 400 then pounce on you

  13. I 100% agree!!!
  14. Boo hoo... they wait until they can get the most? How sad is that?
  15. Didn’t receive rewards from last hunts 2.5k story when I should’ve.
  16. Wow great job hate this app smh
  17. Gusto ka ba beach??
  18. Ummmmmm so I got 9 skeletons vampire side, when do I get my PvP rewards? ?
  19. You should have clarified what "adequate contribution" is. And ETA on the avatar rewards?