This isn't always true. I balance this game with being a mom and fiance. I have a home life outside of this game. I have been working hard to get the skeleton I have because everytime I get close, I have to step away because my son needs me or I have dinner to cook. When I come back, they're gone. So not everybody is a freeloader. Not complaining, it's just a game. Just stating, don't put everyone in the same category.
If either of the team wins those who choose the team that won will be able to get the LB avis right or?
Well I can say if you don’t “try” you’ll never achieve a goal...I was afraid of hitting. (never did I hit for anything lol) well I didn’t know the mechanics of hitting to get fragments. I tried and succeeded to get “one” lol. But did at least help a little and continue to “try”. ???♀️
Daaamn, i wish it was as ez on demons side as on vampire side. Literally my poor alt was able to get 390 fragments as a vampire in less than an hour.
I have 3 kids, a husband, I'm pregnant, and I work. You had the option to opt out of the PvP hunt if you couldn't participate. I reject your excuses. You can make a skeleton in 1 unload or less if you know what you're doing. You're a freeloader.
I was wondering when someone would speak up. It says you still get both male and female,but the female will be a vampire & male will be a demon. You still get both of your team wins people
It does suck though when they are too high for you to hit and too low for you to hit, yet they can still hit you.
Go to the meet people section cuz most of the time you’ll be able to land those hits (they’re always on the opposite team) click on profile and see which people have fragments (some don’t) I only go after the high ones with 100+ fragments. Those people are rare so you have to click every player. I usually find 3 people white those may fragments. You can also refresh. Buy loads of tidy whites (1,000-10,000) or those white sumo wrestler defense items so you block most of their attack’s. I’ve hit people who are higher than my stats and Lower than my stats(I try not to but if they have a lot of fragments than you better believe I’m going to hit the shit out of them ..figuratively). Try to not own so many fragments when you’re going to sleep so if someone does land a hit on you they won’t run off with so many. WATCH YOUR BACK! some of my “friends” are on the opposing team but I’m kind enough not to hit the little wee creatures. Some people do not share the same mercy as me. That is all and good luck!
So, my question is, what about the people who join the winning side minutes before this is over? Do they still get the prizes or will there be like a participation minimum?
You guys need to read the thread. These questions have been answered multiple times. ATA is taking measures to make sure people who purposely join at the end or flood one side with alts toward the end will not get the rewards.
A lot of people have been confused with pvp So I messaged ata about the pvp awards “Sorry for the confusion there! Just to clarify, in order to receive the PvP rewards at the end of the event, you will need to both be on the winning team’s side and have contributed to the leaderboard total for your team. “