
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DR-Bertsky, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. 
  2. Lmao  sorry bout that 
  3. Bert 
  4. :mrgreen:
  5. Bump 
  6. Soo.... Wsup
  7. The sky, stars and space is up 
  8. 
    yep it's up there
  9. My red ballon 
  10. Omg wtf happen to ur red balloon 0.0
    Red balloons are awesome :lol:
  11. Des lost the red balloon  NOOOOO
  12. It was filled with too much helium and it float float floated away into the land of helium filled red ballon's to be forever gone from it's owner
  13.  well here's another :p
  14.  des I told you to tie it to your wristyou never listen
  15. Rfa? What does that stand for?
  16. Lololololol then Des fly away :)
  17. *drops to her knees crying* NOOOOOOO come back to me my red ballon   Im sorry! I'll be a good girl from now on! I need a red bull 
  18.   

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    ༼ ༽
    | RIP |