I don't know the answer to the second question, so ill let natie answer that one. But she did hire the tut back, right? And he kept hiring. So, she went to post on ops wall to kindly tell him to stop, but she was blocked. Only other way was to hit.
Getting his attention doesn't do anything. It's useless. She still wouldn't have gotten her message across.
Highest bidder keeps a tutor. If you want to keep one, either keep them overpriced or hire back. Only self-centred bullys hit smaller stats over tutor hires. I doubt MizNatie would "warn" higher stats if they hire her tutors.
What do you mean only other way? There is no way to say don't hire my tutors by hitting. And that's what she wanted to say. So she could've gotten a friend to post, she could've posted on campus to unblock her if she saw monster, she could've asked monsters clubmates to unblock her. She could've made a thread telling him. All of these would've actually gotten her message across, yet she decided to hit instead. Coincidentally on somebody 1/3 her size after hiring a tutor from him?
1. Getting a friend to post: What happens if no friend is on at the time? Then she is forced to volley the tut. 2. Posting on WC.... There are many problems with that one. What if she is out of speakers? And as well as you know that doesn't always work. They may not see it. 3. Making a thread.... As a fellow forummer you know that this would be a dumb choice. It would just lead to trolls coming and bugging natie for "crying" in forums. Really, she did the best thing that she could. If a higher stats person had me blocked and no friend was available to write on their wall, I would hit him *once* to get his attention. But we still need to remember, this game was made to attack people, no matter the stat difference.
I have to say op is wrong about her being a bully. Like Hermes said even on a weaker playing that Doesn't make her a bully. She did not cause lasting harm to the op. However, she did bully him. The definition of bully as a verb is To use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. (googled it if you want proof I didn't make this up) This is what she did. She used her higher stats to attack him and make him lose money ( use superior strength or influence) so that he couldn't hire the tutor back again (force him or her to do what she wants)
I think that could've caused some confusion. she isn't a bulky but she bullied him. You're right about the campus and the thread, neither are greet solutions. But the first one is. Don't tell me she doesn't have a single friend in her friends list that's online. Or nobody in cc. Or nobody on campus she could ask. Etc. the other two as you stayed probably wouldn't have been the best. I just wanted to show there were a few ways. Some might not be flawless but they could've worked.
Attacking someone on a war game is not being a bully. Hmmmm..... Scenario. One of my friends is being attacked for no reason by someone the same strength as them. She asks them to stop but they don't. I, Being double their stats, go in and attack them with the purpose of making them stop. By that definition, I am being the bully.
The noun is: Noun: 1. A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. 2. Corned beef. It seems there is a difference between being a bully and, bullying someone. Just like lying once doesn't make you a liar... You're not harming him so you're not the first definition. And, you're not corned beef. I hope.
So no you're not a bully by definition. I think it's just about impossible to be a bully on an iPhone app. just leave if you don't like it. However by google's definition natie did bully him. (and I showed the links there).
Lol haha! That second part made me chuckle. But exactly. Causing lasting harm to someone. By attacking someone on a war game, you are not causing lasting harm to them. So, Natie is not a "bully"
But by the definition I think she did bully him. I think the verb might be looked down on a bit as a misconception, but there are several circumstances where people may bully others and it's considered acceptable. I don't think that's making you a bully though. Just like lying doesn't make you a liar. The scenario they would be If you got a present for your birthday and it wasn't necessarily what you wanted and they ask "do you like it?" your response should be yes even if you didn't like it. That doesnt necessarily make you a liar, it's just common courtesy.
I only keep stating this fact happened over 24 hrs ago because we've all went on about our day, been to sleep, and are now in routine of a new day... A new day to me means, learn new things, meet new people, have new experiences... Not dwell on what happened yesterday or in the past. Nothing that has been done can be undone I could have sat here and posted whenever OP got his hits back, hired more tutors or what have you. But what's that going to accomplish?
I don't completely understand that post so sorry if I missed or misinterpreted something. but I think hiring more tutors would've stopped a 16 page forum thread, no? .-. Not that you don't have the right to hire your tutors back. But if you're being "force volleyed" on it then perhaps it would've been a better solution. Not just for him but for you too, because you probably could've found a reasonably priced one instead of the one you were being "force volleyed" on which was then probably op.
Just because something happened more than 24 hours ago makes one relieved of all responsibilities of one's actions? It's easy for the aggressor to say move on. Wait till you meet with another "MizNatie" and see whether will you take bullying as lightly.
Free market states that highest bidder keeps. Just that some players believe in strongest player keeps.