
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LNS-llllICombatIIlll, Jun 27, 2012.

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  1. If everyone agreed that it was free market, I would be a happy Hermes!
  2. That's why you farm inactives 
  3. I can't believe this thread is still going.

    My sweetness Chaos
  4. Jen doesn't love me 
  5. Red. It's not that, just regarding this thread I don't agree with some things you say. Just like any thread, we all have our opinions. As you know, we agree on some things and don't with others. That is life. I am one that will never judge or hold opinions against someone. I also won't kiss no ones ***, sure as heck not on a game. I am always unbiased and speak how I feel. I don't care how strong someone can be. I will say what I feel on a situation. If it was my sweets, Shan, or Maj Jess, I love them dearly but if I feel they are wrong on something they know darn well I will be the first to say so to them.
  6. But I agree with all of them.... It is a free market. I wish everyone would believe that.
  7. Please people! Let me clear something up.
    I didn't say that hiring a tut SHOULD have consequences, I said that it does sometimes.
    If everyone agreed with the free market it would make things much easier.
  8. she hires my pupil's tut and hit her once.. And makes up excuses like what monster said
  9. Going to strip her off her tuts  lol jk 
  10. Free market, but respect the ones in war or farm war.
  11. Ah natie- I remember when u were my tut fr awhile- and all of Borg Blue was made up of crazy tut stealers. I'm surprised we weren't farmed into non-existence. Ur life is still so exciting!

    Happy wedding!!! 
  12. Someone walled me crying about hiring he tut because he was in war. He's one of those back to back pwar club people. Completely doesn't count lol
  13. This shit stupid lol
  14. Definition of bullying

    Giving ultimatums and threatening to farm.

    Now R.I.P thread.
  15. Wow a typical Singaporean.
  16. Definition of bullying.

    Threatening to farm.

    Wow all our ancestors were huge bullies there whole lives. Planting crops all the time...

    Seems legit.
  17. Bump.

    Natie! You run to mag and feed him lies! What a hypocrite. Read what you said here yourself when you farmed me!
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