
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rivalee, May 1, 2019.

  1. Welcome to the deep dark pimdforumns
  2. Challenged to make a thread* calm down pimd edge-lords. I challenge you to pay all my bills
  3. No thank you
  4. That’s not how you play :(
  5. Where do I send my money?
  6. Directly into my hands tysm
  7. Sorry qt :lol: ?
  8. My nephews Alexa is singing me a song about technology and idk how I feel about this
  9. Alexa is becoming self aware
  10. That stupid bïtch raps
    I’m killing myself now bye
  11. I'll miss you
  12. i love the name of this thread

    fully captures ones deep thoughts and general life consensus.