U like war? liars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BH-_-Loner, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Wars are dead  party's FTW
  2. The problem with declaring on clubs is nome accepts.

    Well.... Let me rephrase that. No club worthy accepts.
  3. Kelon make me admin in club I want to talk 
  4. No one wants to war with a noob
  5. Ff your party now and ill declare on your club
  6. Kelon. Shut up
  7. Your club sucks
  8. I personally don't even like war even though it is the old way I like parties especially on like a double drop week or something more cash for me 
  9. Kelon my broski 
  10. Ill war your club cherry no mercs
  11. Dammit jopo :twisted:
  12. 

    My 'club' is a merc group
  13. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The best part in warring is, winning the war
  14.  And kelon reset again...maybe if you actually played without resetting every other week you would get big enough for people to war. I'm not interested in warring with a bunch of 2kcs players, unless I myself was 2kcs.  Just saying
  16. Btw a war cry is always useful mine is

    RELEASE THAA KELON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I requested a war lol

    Hurry up and accept
  18. Accept me in fucking noobs.
  20. ?

    I made a club and challenged random clubs. Most of them declined. I initiated war on BCS like 9 times and they always declined.