(^.^) Typing with eyes wide shut

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Nov 10, 2011.

  1. You E er know what else issaac might come up with next!

    "you never know what else Isaac might come up with next!"
  2. 

    ^lol I clicked Paste
  3. Prof oak I made this thread along time ago.

    Mind bumping the thread which a person made before me for me to see?
  4. I would but like you know threads disappear after a long time.


    I never knew
  5. I'm having my eyes closed

    Perfect I hope
  6. Pete try this!!!!

    Did it work!?!?!?! Dhd jf!?!?!,
  7. Thus is. A weiard Terri

    I meant this is a weird tread [collor=blue]♜♚♚♜Johny♝♜♝
  8. My wyes are wiiiiiiiide open. Not
  9. This us w agjirc tregf

    This a weird tread*

  10. Hahah this is fun to watch. I have no idea wat in hitting. 

    Omg!!!!!!! It worked!!!!!

    But  is supposed to be 
    And in is supposed to be I'm
  11. Im fibe tyankbyou forbaskng

    Eyes closed
  12. This is very weird. I don't think I can do this.

     nevermind. I guess I can 
  13. Ill try again

    Hmm i did it
  14. It's Kate at night and I'm sleepy!

    All correct except instead of Kate I meant Late
  15. That was pretty goof
  16. I'm not that bad