TUTOR PRICES from The Tutor Guy!™

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JETHRO_TheTutorGuy, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. I finally got this stickied. I hope it helps.
  2. I wish Gray's list got stickied! How do you make a request for that? I agree with Riccena
  3. Original Poster or Over-Priced
  4. Ty jet 
  5. Tut for sale --anthony-- 79kcs 29B *active & underpriced*
  6.  I need to start buying tutors again jet all that I've bought from you have been re bought by others  apparently your list is not inaccurate at all!
  7. Some one hire my overpriced 2B tut for 10kcs
  8. So does this mean I'm under priced?
  9. This was really helpful, thanks for posting this! x
  10. This is a different one then I been using I think I was using a older one
  11. 100th post nice job