TUTOR PRICES from The Tutor Guy!™

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JETHRO_TheTutorGuy, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Thanks! This is so helpful!
  2. Thanks again.
  3. Ur value is little op
  4. These values are incorrect if you go off current market 
  5. RM did it 
  6. Im somewhat curious, how much would a 30kcs active tut sell for? 
  7. What does kcs mean!? Please help!'
  8. Kcs stands for combined stats by the thousands (k)
  9. I sell 30kcs for 8bil...active or inactive.
  10. i should write them down on flash cards to memorize the prices, but then I thought to myself too much work let me just bump so I just did
  11. Great! Helps a lot to know this.
  12. Yes very helpful 
  13. Is it just me that would be cheesed off if my pupil referred to me as an 'it'?