TUTOR PRICES from The Tutor Guy!™

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JETHRO_TheTutorGuy, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Someone hire my tuts lol
  2. hotdude95 174kcs 66billion he's for sale he's active
  3. Yes some people are bumping the grays up over 1b, watch those players they die off. These prices are still fine for setting tut prices on your tuts, at market value, or as a guide to find up tuts to bump from the list.

  4. [Colour=red]Bomb Bomb PoW!!![/colour]
  5. [colour=red] Bomb Bomb PoW!!! [/colour]

    practice make perfect :)
  6. Abg spell it the Wrong Way.. The American Way
  7. That's a tip
  8. This is a great guide for beginners, good job.
  9. If that price will be ill tutnap them 
  10. ←_← →_→ Bump 'n' Grind
  11. What does "kcs" stand for?
  12. Does anyone read shit anymore? This thread is old. Prices have changed. Kcs combined stats...
  13. This threat should be deleted now
  14. :? Scam if ya ask me :lol: