Tutor name's

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -Deviously-SweetBeast, Aug 2, 2020.


Pupil name beside tutor name!

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    4 vote(s)
  1. I think it would be a good idea to put the pupils name beside the tutors name, like when you are looking to hire tutors as your seeing their name you would also see their pupils name! Or if its no one that's what you would see nobody!
  2. It isn't relevant most of the time. I think it would make things too crowded. Not worth the effort.

    I'd support if if everything else gets done but most fish that need frying are bigger than this.
  3. Not a bad idea, but you can also just click on the profile of the tutor to check.
  4. But theres also someone with the ign 'nobody' so your idea fails there to
    -Deviously-SweetBeast and Muschi like this.
  5. But why? In what way could this be useful?
  6. That way nice people arnt getting farmed for hiring someone's tut
    Noen likes this.
  7. How would this suggestion 'solve' that?
  8. Cause I wouldn't hire from active people! But I guess not all people would care about that.
  9. I thought it was a good idea but now I'm sad I said it lol!
  10. no no. ideas are fine. You actually had something going but unfirtunately nor a whole lot of us dont really agree because, for myself, I dont really see any usefulness in it. But if it actually gwts implemented in some way, i wouldn't get mad cuz it would have no real use to me cuz i would hire a tutor regardless of active pupil or not. Some people would however probably heed an active pupil and try not to hire off them.
  11. But seeing the pupil's name doesn't tell you if they are active or not...?
  12. Yea but it tells u if its someone thats going to farm u for nothing 😀
  13. Nah their name won't tell you.
    Only the unsightly willies protruding from their foreheads.
    Muschi and RoseMilkTea like this.
  14. No it won't.
  15. It takes 2 seconds to tap into someone profile n see if theg active or not. If they not then do whatever. If they are then do whatever. Stop being lazy
  16. How you get rid of a pupil, he bought me after he posted profanity on my wall, I reported and blocked him, but he hired me.. How do I get rid of him???? Please help...
  17. Some one has to out hire him. But it doesnt matter who your pupil is it doesnt effect your game. If you blocked him he cant cant contact you so it doesnt matter
    Muschi likes this.
  18. But he can benefit from my gains.. He doesn't deserve to.. I don't disrespect or talk nast
    Yeah it does matter, because he can benefit from my gains.. He doesn't deserve to.. I don't disrespect or talk nasty to people ,it shouldn't have happened.. Thanks..

    His Name Metallicaxxx
  19. Correction Metallica95xxx
  20. If you hate the idea so much of him getting stats from you make a new acc and trade your stuff to that. Problem solved