Discussion in 'Wars' started by Chris_Hansen_DatelineNBC, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. I love you
  2. :lol:
  3. Let me into MM. I wanna be a cat cafe nub

  4. Ily2. Now get in the kitchen and make a me a sandwich
  5. That's ivy's job not mine bro. Now tell her to go make two sandwiches cause this nigga be hungry
  6. Lmfao nah. We can order a pizza
  7. Alright I like that idea!

    #TMNT #PizzaLyfe
  8. Mmmmm pizza. Wally we have enough tune to make our own pizza waiting in these inc hits lol

  9. yeah voo got mad kuz i defended a friend :lol: then she kicked both of us because we weren't on her side .. i dont look like sam or war to be her lap dog :lol:
  10. Oh but the last time I was there you were there still starting crap. :lol: Then again piggy, I could see you doing it all the time.  But if Yall want someone to farm, my nf is open to you Noobs.
  11. smh talking tooth and you no farm. Ccbc go boom.
  12. oh shut up jiggles code 
  13. Wut a jiggles code? 5/5/0 f ccbc

    [Insert code to ss of hit]
  14. Bahahaha nice try Jiggy  Forget we're following each other? And I'd hit you but... your stats make me feel like I'm punching babies ?
  15. Hit me next jigglypuff ??
  16. Oh I know you barcode...awkward...I'll pm you to say I hit you k? Thanks. Now go back go trashing talking?

    You don't pay well, eat.
  17. Cc has turned the inhabitants of this "community" into pansies
  18. ?holy crap ny is back. Blast from the past.
  19. True story
  20. I like to hit the eat bar.