Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *TTT-FreeMusic_Screwthemods (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Not saying anything bad about you guys just saying about recent events with poop and this
  2. It would be cool But we Need people Who Know act members alot Like
    Love2music if anybody knew her the person would know she isn't perverted

    But adults have lifes... I dont think they would spend all day Cleaning campus chat and forums
    ( Unless you're Darkrose )

    If mods are around your age ... They would have more time to Be on pimd

    I hope they do staff apps I would love to see witch Pimd member would become a New moderator and they will probably be on USA Campus lol
  3. Ichosen You Joined 1 week before me 
  4. Yeah Logan caused a lot of drama until he was removed.
  5. Logan? Captain? Or Leonardo .. He was Young
  6. I'm that awesome I can multi task you lot ;) lmao.

    Though none of you notice when I disappear for work at 6am, :0
  7. I notice when you leave
  8. Youll be up at like 3 am .. 11 pm my time, I remember you saying
    " Why do they come out So Early"
  9. I remember that too
  10. Me and you And beerpong are the Only active people from back then
    And beeping is some what Inactive now
  11. Why would PimD make a 13 y o mod?
    You'd think this would have been foreseen
  12. He was like 9-10 when he became a mod lol
  13. Leo how could a player go from being 9 years old to 13 within 11 months?
  14. ... He's Not 13 is he?
  15. The only active people from back then? I think not.
  16. I joined 10 Months ago?
  17. My first acct was made Jan 3rd. 
  18. Cookie I have pics of that jerk laughing and sticking his tongue out at people as he silenced without mercy. I don't like having Stalin as a mod he was mean. And my post was obviously about "active tuts, asking before you buy " I don't get it I didn't want campus spammed, but for me and those who posted once and got silenced, this is completely unfair, abuse of power
    I'm 16, but I'm obviously not a perve
  19. Same and You seer I am Nor am I 
  20. I'm 17 doea that make me a perv????