Transformers War.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Bump
  2.  Im can't Spectate? 

    I am a Prime....

    Therefore: Respect your elders 

    Thus I have decided I will be allowed to spectate 

    All those who disagree must change their minds 
  3. Jake seriously  not happening
  4. -bigdaddy-
    56k cs
  5. I just realized... I never said what side I'm on .-. Since my iPod is an autobot, so shall I be an autobot :3
  6. ...Bump
  7. I'm interested.. :3

    Bananaboy369 - 76kcs

    Will probably be upgrading before war though 

    I don't mind which side I'm on 
  8. 56kcs roses side 
  9. Upgraded to 12.5Kcs more to come before war
  10. Autobots plz lol n I think I'm 164kcs
  11. Partner in crime can I be on your side (P.S I'm lazy and don't want to add my stats lol)
  12. Sign me up. You can put me on either side. T5BC
  13. 

    Okay fine ill join the war... 
    I don't think thats a good idea 
  14. Autobots 290kcs, still ug
  15. BUMP
  16. [​IMG]
    134 kcs and what side does not matter. I'm just as evil as I am good.
  17. _Dman_
  18. Kaname 135kcs (might upgrade)
  19. I would but my birthday is on 21st of July and I'm going away. 