Transformers War.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Autobots
    149kcs 
  2. Grace :3
    6kcs (or 7)
    I'm working on upgrading 
  3. Many people are voting for the Autobots (which is which side I would prefer to be on) but since there are so many I'm gonna say Decepticons .
  4. _Warrior 77kcs
  5. omg too bad I changed my name from King Starscream to Hades now  but yeah hold on let me check my stats since I upgraded lol and Decepticons of course 
  6. 178kcs DecepticonsStarscream
  7. About 203kcs.

    As my car is an Autobot, I'm shooting got that side. Altimus Prime shall be avenged.

    Also, I'll ug by then.
  8. Can i be the Sector 7 guy?
  9. Ewok
  10. What time is war starting on 21st rose?
  11. Autobots Side

    Name: -FireKing-
    Stats: around 25kcs
  12. 27kcs

    I'm Oreo, by the way
  13. 268 kcs
  14. Decepticons.
    425kcs I believe....
  15. 66kcs as of 2/7/12

    Will upgrade to 72kcs.
  16. -SBO-AcidRAINbow


    I'd lovvve to be on the autobots side!!

  17. 257 Kcs will be upgrading.
    Either side
  18. Hmm. Most likely 8/9pm UK time Caspy.
  19. Name- Danzo

    Stats- 7.6kcs

    I'm still a noob