Tradeable avatars

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by LILITH_-GONNA_-PRANKYAl, Nov 28, 2021.


Tradeable avatars

  1. yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. no

    9 vote(s)
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  1. I honestly think that pimd should finally make avatars tradeable
    iAmbsUrWorstNightmare likes this.
  2. Honestly i think you need to learn to listen
  3. We already have them. Shards.

    (And for the last pride month or two, you could gift avis to others directly. I guess someone could technically count gifting story passes as this as well.)
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Not bored with this overly used suggestion at all.
  5. Tradeable accounts please.
  6. That already exists. You will get ip banned for it but it exists. Its against tou on every game ever
  7. ATA already made it clear this would not happen.
    x_FluorescentEllis_x likes this.
  8. As stated previously, ATA has officially stated that reading avatars will not be implemented.

    Locking now.
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