If someone was being tortured horribly and they wanted to self harm just to end it, would that be stupid? there are so many circumstances I'm just wondering if people realize it.
All teenagers go through emotional unstableness with hormones and ish that makes them react one way or another, self harm is never necessary which is what you people are making it seem like most kids develop with the right way to deal with distress, growing up and moving on. Basically, people are weaker than others.
@melon Haven't cut in three months, but because you never have, you're better then me, correct? Get over yourself
Maybe people don't want to bring back the memories of why they cut ? Ever thought of that, you do not know what people have been through.
I never said I was better I just thing it's plain bullcrap. Read what I put in the previous pages. You'll see
Thanks, that's all I've wanted for the start because after I posted I started to think about it and I knew it would just go south due to trolls and such.