Touchy Subject

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ouijaboard, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. Self harming isn't the only way out. Some people don't want to open up about it, some people don't want to be judged, they want to be accepted, and it's my opinion that's they're that way because of people like you.

    I'm not saying you should walk on eggshells for them, but you should be considerate of their feelings.

    Everyone is different. Some people need to be approached in a way that makes them comfortable, but others can be approached in other ways.
  2.  Leave my thread please, all you are trying to do is offend people, now go
  3. Robert. It's okay. Come back
  4. I think Robert's just trying to say that it shouldn't be made a big deal so that people wouldn't do it and won't use it as a way to draw attention. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

    Robert all we're saying is laughing at it is wrong because people take it differently and it's practically bullying.
  5. You keep saying that. You're the one saying offensive remarks and then implying that I refer to them.
  6. Easy. Self harm is so sadistic it's laughable ?
  7. People cannot save people. People have to want to change and save themselves. I was enabled to remain the same due to the fact no one just told me to get over myself and get help. They "accepted" me and were "nice" to me instead of telling me how they really felt. They thought they were helping me, but in the end they were enabling me to stay the same. People have to know what they are doing is dangerous and wrong. They have to want to get better. You can't do that for them.
  8. I like Wolfberry. He doesn't get mad over an opinion. Yeah people shouldn't be self harming because of depression. It's not a good thing. Yeah I know it's not a good thing to talk badly on those that do self harm, but ahhhhh we're all sinners in our own way.
  9. I never once said that his views are wrong it's how he has said it that has offended people, all I want is for him to leave so he doesn't offend anymore people.
  10. This is a very sensitive topic. Its hard to talk about for most.
  11. And I'm just trying to get you to see what you are saying is offensive  I am far from offended, I just want you to leave because you are tying to be offensive
  12. It's a shit topic. If people self harm. They ought to be put do death. They obviously don't appreciate life anyway?
  13. So....I am highly offended that everyone here uses the term bullying so freely. Does that mean everytime someone offends me I should be able to ask them to leave?
  14. To give some insight into it, there ARE people who threaten to self-harm to gain attention. It's wrong and selfish and stupid but shouldn't be laughed at.

    And there are people who self-harm so they escape a horrible situation. Or to focus the pain into something physical rather than emotional.

    Circumstances vary so much we can't really categorize people who self-harm into one box.
  15.  Just ignore him.
  16. Melon I mean 
  17. Melon
  18. And actually Liz if someone does offend you on your thread, you have the right to have them leave unless you keep referring to them.
  19.  I'm serious.

    They obviously don't appreciate life. They just waste their life moaning and slashing all their veins.
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