Top Clubs Secret Traitor Alt

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FI-EricEleazar-PH, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. This is funny!! Goodjob to them. Was it established why this person was banned from their club?
  2. Whoever did this was pretty clever. A secret organization kinda thing. 
  3. Just shut up?
  4. Not me 
  6. Huh, I got missed . Clearly my single fight win isn't enough.
    Well to clear it up, there are quite a few more than the 6 above of us in this, although not all of us are in play yet.

    Some accounts are mains, some are alts.

    Sometimes we farm briefly, sometimes longer. Sometimes the individual inspires us to farm for shorter or longer than we originally planned.

    Meagan, you react to things you find funny in an unusual way it seems. You whined to anyone who would listen and proceeded to drop stats after a very low number of hits.
    We agreed to stop hitting you not long ago today after an emotionally charged plea from one of your friend based on the distress the farming was apparently causing you. Its just a game with a battle function, I'm personally not sure you should be playing if that sort of thing upsets you.

    And to those who complimented our setup, thank you. Its not finished yet.

    And Deadly, if you were a vip club owner would you want the op in your club?

    We won't reply to anymore posts on this thread. Merry Christmas and a Happ New Year all.
  7. 
  8. I'm interested. 
  9. Is this gonna be like a new terror...
  10. Go Kick Some Ass Barcodes️
  11. well excuse my friend for over exaggerating.
    didn't upset me sorry.
  12. A new terror to bring out us out of the golden age of parties dont know if i should be happy or sad
  13. Well, I wanna be a barcode ?
  14. ?Can my barcode look like a panda?
  15. Lol if you weren't upset you wouldn't be posting SS meggy. Let's be real.
  16. So many people are gonna name change now o_O
  17. I'm not upset justin sorry you still don't think clearly. You can't act like I'm upset when you don't know me anymore. Oh she must be upset to prove that she found 6 accounts.

    No. Just showed proof of the 6 ones I had found. Doesn't mean I'm upset.

    Go spend time with your family instead of playing a game.
  18. I'm actually at work. But shouldn't you do the same  see ya  go run along meg.