Top Clubs Secret Traitor Alt

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FI-EricEleazar-PH, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. There are 6 in total. ️one is farming me cause well.... Let's face it.... They have no life...

    I've found all of them.
  2. Ain't nobody got time to type IlIl over and over.
  3. 

    Ain't nobody got time for that!
  4. I'm the barcode
  5. I wish to see a barcode army.
  6. Op said the top 10 clubs own them. Then there's 4, then there's 6. Since we don't know what we don't know, this is all a conspiracy theory. Only fact is there are accounts w names that are challenging. And that is no newsflash.
  7. would anyone like SS's of this? ️Cause hell, I find this complete funny.... Considering the fact I'm being farmed for well... No reason as this barcode person pretty much said. ️Even said I apparently know them too..... Yeah that's funny... ️Cause anyone I actually know and who knows me wouldn't be a complete baby and hide who they are. 

    ?and seriously...... All 6 accounts I can't even type out due to massive confusion.
  8. Why would anyone want SS? We get it your being farmed. 

    Don't need to scream for the attention.
  9. Uh no Justin, I mean screen shot proof of all 6 accounts...
  10. About a week ago there were two clubs made (tttxxxttt
  11. Okay lol. I still don't get why you're offering screenshots. Don't make the thread about you. 
  12. ?I'm not typing it again
  13. It's not about me justin. Sad that you think that. I'm pretty much saying he isn't the only person getting farmed ️and I have ss's of all 6 accounts if anyone wanted to think I was lying. ️Sorry if you like to think everything is about me cause it's not.  sorry, I had did more investigation on these people and found 6 accounts instead of the 4 that they found.







    As you can see.... All names look the same as well as club names... But they are not the same.
  14. ? the point is they are coward. why cant they just farm using their main?
  15. That has already been established meg lol.
    You're just beating a dead horse. Drawing attention.
  16. Don't argue with terror boytoy about this.. i know for a fact he's done something like this it just wasn't as extensive
  17. ?Only one I haven't seen is the little one
  18. The little one is the one on me. Each and every account are linked by gifts. It's like A scavenger Hunt to find them all.

    and Justin please.... No one cares.
  19. This is actually brilliant and hilarious. Kudos to whoever thought this up.
  20. wow… somebody is using their accs the way they want to and theres ppl crying about it… u cant stop anyone from doing that even if u want to without farming back. Theres no point in doing anything other then hitting back. Cant stop players from what they want to do. And if u want to continue to repeat the same thing u have said since page one more power to you. But other then showing the whole community that your this barcode's bitch u have done nothing…