Toga! Toga! Toga!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. Dang it they listened to the master key thread...?
  2. Dang it they listened to the master key thread...?
  3. This hunt is so fun! 
  4. I'm torned.... I liked the bunnies... But this toga event is making me nuts again.
  5. So Happy with you ATA love that you're making more African American avatars you guy's are stepping your game up, I'm truly thankful for that?
  6. Yes they are.?
  7. Aye, ATA, my OCD is killin meh. Give us one of each egg from last hunt for showcase pretty plz? 
  8. True
  9. <3
  10. Help! I can't buy a pimd key. Wont let me press it even though I have enough ec
  11. Omg thank you for the rest time lol
  12. xo
  13. Lol
  14. That is ridiculous not everyone has money to spend on this game and spin hardly gives you ec how do you expect us poor people to even get anywhere in this hunt?????
  15. How stupid! I'm not wasting my money on a key! Go back to the old way to open boxes. Dumbest hunt ever!
  16. They are still giving you 2 free boxes a day. Except, now youre guaranteed to have the free boxes. The pimd key is he same concept of opening a box with ecs. No one is forcing you to do so, just like no one forced you before. And yes, they give differen drops. But so did the boxes before. If you opened with ec before, you'd get better/more drops.
  17. Y'all should just chill, this works the same as before, you will get 2 free boxes per day (the lit boxes) and the others you will open with ecs, easy!!
  18. Sorry I was confused because I couldn't see the 5k key in store until I clicked on the box lol
  19. Op made my day. Shame on you.