Toga! Toga! Toga!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. I'm taking about the regular boxes. Not that Lite stuff hun
  2. Hm maybe not?. The way it was worded made it seem like the free boxes have lower chances than previous; that the ec boxes have greater chances than previous ec boxes. I'm not entirely sure on why it would be good to test your luck to open boxes after a hunt, also, boxes were a type of item to trade on the game which was way more fun. I prefer the old system as boxes could be used as currency this way.
  3. LITE Boxes are the regular boxes
  4. It won't let me open my Lite box please help
  5. They launched earlier than the 10th! To be clear, there are only four boxes that use the new system so far: Amazing Furniture Boxes, Greek Fret Boxes, Greek Fret Boxes LITE, and that other thing.

    Yes! The number you see is kind of like the guaranteed minimum. The box contains AT LEAST that amount!
  6. What happens when you try to open it? Is there an Open button? If so what colour is it?
  7. Thank you 
  8. Listen here, let's clear some stuff up

    You can get non lite boxes from ec parties and party of the day, these are the boxes you have to use 10 ec on like the old boxes that you would open to open more than 2 times per day they are always tradeable and can be used for currency still but can only be opened with ec, okay, that's clear


    The new lite boxes are our two per day they would have the same odds you have on regular boxes you'd open twice per day, to open these new boxes you click on them in your showcase to open it

    Okay that should be all cleared now
  9. Is there anyway to remove furniture and not replace it?
  10. Same thing happens to me crashes when I look at leaderboard
  11. This sucks Another way for ata to make money yay! So what I'm reading is avoid Greek boxes and get lite boxes only okay. 
  12. Also it seems Lite boxes are better then Greek boxes expect that after the hunt you can open Greek boxes. But old ec keys had a higher chance for better drops like lite boxes and normal Greek boxes don't. They also have a max two per day it sounds like which sucks.
  13. So this house is nothing but a cash grab by ATA. If you have to make extra credits the only way to open boxes then this is strictly about it making money nothing else. It's blatantly obvious that they don't care about the Casual player at all
  14. You get two free lite boxes a day... just like you'd be able to open two boxes with cash everyday instead of ec.
    Instead of two different keys, it's two different boxes.
  15. I have an question about these keys who can be open everywhere , if for exemple the vip avatar was at 60000 drops and we open box and won box we can get the avatar too
  16. y'all always complaining ata doing this and that but if you are not satisfied then leave. no one is stopping you. bruce and the ata team aren't thinking about ya ?
  17. There is not a open button at all
  18. Why Does Everything Always Have To Be Purchased With Ecs?

  19. Hahahahaha
  20. ??????????????????