Toga! Toga! Toga!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. So every day you will receive a Story that allows you to complete 2 Parties and earn 2 Lite boxes. This is the "NEW" regular free key every 24 hours, except that it's way better because you don't have to time your openings and it's actually easier to earn the boxes. Also for anyone who does use EC to open their boxes, they don't need to choose between the regular key and the gold one.

    Yup! Or some form of it!
  2. I want a Pegasus?
  3. To think y'all couldn't get anymore selfish regarding us spending money.  This is getting ridiculous.
  4. So just to clarify, both the regular Greek Fret, and Greek Fret Lite boxes can be opened any time we want? There's no 2 per 24hr limit?
  5. Pls explain my dear kys. This system is better all around imo :/

    Correct! You can even open the boxes after the event is over!
  6. I kr :( :(
  7. Such a great idea this " break time " in middle of the hunt to allow us to wars etc! Thanks for taking into consideration our requests ATA, much appreciated ️?
  8. Think he just said we'll only earn 2 a day but can open anytime
  9. Thanks for the quick answers Bruce  Appreciated
  10. Ya but they're lite boxes which means we won't have as good of a chance to get the good stuff, to get the good stuff we need to spend real money which is very unfair to people who don't want to spend money on a game, just my opinion
  11. The Gold key always provided a greater chance and the rarest stuff and also gave more of the event item. No changes to balance here (actually the LITE box is prob better overall).
  12. Lite boxes giftable or not? That'd be huge imo. Plz tell me It is so?! ?
  13. Guys having to spend for the Regular Greek boxes is no different than before. We get the usual 2 regular boxes. And the others have to be opened with ecs for better stuff. That's literally the exact same as before ? Open with ec always was a chance at better stuff. This isn't new, it's just changed around a bit
  14. Heads up!

    The Lite Box image may not be showing the correct image in-game (some players may be seeing the Lite Box as a Key). This won't affect how it works but I get that in can be confusing.

    Hold onto your butts as we fix it!
  15. Nope! That would mean I could generate infinite event progress with an infinite number of alts.

    Marry me.
  16. People always have to complain about something. 
  17. bruce, am i glitching or is there no avis in this forum post?
  18. I can't even buy a key on any of my accounts lol
  19. Put a ring on it 