Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Im 100% ok with just an honnorable mention, thank you ata ?

  2. I want God Emperor Trump on this page too
  3. Greeks with starbucks? Amazing choice ata 
  4. Thank you ️️
  6. We made it bby
  7. Did we tho?
  8. Congrats y'all.
  9. How didn't prince_caspian2 not win?!?!
  10. What page was his pic on? I wanna see
  11. He's the gay kid under the grapes in page 1 of this thread
  12. Steven deserved to win tbh 
  13. Some of the entries don't even look old enough to play the app...
  14. Right? Those grapes would totally be raisins by now if they were 17+
  15. Well lesson learned next time i should look funny to win 
  17. I love how I never bother with these ?