CONTEST Toga Selfie

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 19, 2017.

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  1. crap my bad. Stupid paste button. WHY CANT I EDIT MY POST
  2. Guuuuurllll 

  3. Tried to do a goddess make up but failed the costume ?
  4. Anyway ig I'll just say I posted the selfies for a friend >.> her username in the picture blah blah
  6. fixes. Love me now
  7. What brow product do you use 
  8. Noooo Dana so fast. My love is now stolen
  9. Lmao thank you for posting it for me, love. Much appreciated. ??
  10. Oh LAWDY 
  12. Idk I think this pic should win, it's got a leaf sticker for crying out loud

  13. Y'all that keep up with the selfie thread and other personal friends know what's up and I'm real  sorry Bruce I can't even find pen and paper when I DO need them, that's why I utilize google notes for my "pen and paper"
  14. Totes innapropes
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