To Quit or not to quit 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed0611, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. I know all about drama. Trust me. Don't let it get to you. I'm older than boop. Lol so I really do know. You gonna have drama anywhere you go. On this game. In real life. With a boyfriend, classmates, or coworkers. It's all on how you handle it. If you let it upset you and make you quit then they have won. They hurt you and accomplished their goals. You just have to be like the duck in the rain. Let roll on off and enjoy playin in it.  always here for a friend.
  2. lol I only would support Lex in 1 thing... U never farmed me even though u were angry and I think u should stay because "I keep my enemies closer than my friends" this is a quote tht I would never forget because enemies are much more reliable than friends 
  3. Lex ... 
  4. Thank u Tucker 
  5. Omg epic status
  6. Please leave, we have a party planned the day after.
  7. Lex we all love u. Tucker is totally right. But any drama u have well work thru it. Nothing can beat us were Ꭶ we love u. Club isnt a club our club is family. Lex we love you listen to us old wise ones n stay
  8. Poison ur nice ..
  9. U can't quit. I just found out bout u not long ago. If u quit then what would I do??????
  10. Well thank you, I'm very nice. At least you noticed.
  11. Poison shut up
  12. Pappy is right he loves you just as much as we do
  13. Ok someone comes here to get their ego stroked. Really? Should I quit or not? If your wanting to get back to reality hmm maybe. Daboop hmm haven't shut up for anyone, pretty sure not going to start now hahaha
  14. She be trollin'
  15. Taz is right. Hi taz.
  16. Poison I understand y ur upset coz if you were to leave no one would care no one would notice
  17. LoL. Funny. Best you got?
  18. I don't exactly know you.... But don't quit 