To Kaylee 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AaronRodgers, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Lalala no more about last night. And stop bagging on Justin. Just shhhh. Let's focus on the topic of the thread...oh wait, that's me xD
  2. Haha well there was alot of stars and caps last night
  3. It's a lol??
  4. I'm hurt Damian. Really
  5.  Damien has other lovers?! ......
  6. She's my fake lover to get kendra off me 
  7.  that's not what he said
  8. Psht fine then I'm going back to Matt 
  9.  i ruined something...

  10. 
  11.  Damian is too young for me,

    I was just kidding.

  12. 