To Kaylee 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AaronRodgers, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Never once did I say I loved you
  2. Damn. Nor did I.
  3. Well then...apparently I WAS loved. Not am. 
  4. Oh you're loved now. I was really pissed when this thread was made though.
  5. Yeah I know. It was scary o_O
  6. Me being pissed? o_O
  7.  nah. But that's why I left....

    That. And Justin had replaced me. :cry:
  8. No it just scared me cuz I never see u mad :p

    And yeah it was a dark
  9.  honestly y'all constantly pissed me off. Now not so much.

    It was.... But it's all good now.
  10. Is that why you only lurked? Lol
    And yeah it really was >_<
  11. Lol yup

    Yes ma'am

    But you are loved. On topic.
  12.  you're welcome! 