To Kaylee 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AaronRodgers, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Whoa that turned out awesome
  2. what am I going to do with you chance?....
  3. I hate hearts... 
  4. *facepalm...* can you read my story Halloween suprise? And comment? Pwease?
  5. I eat hearts for brunch
  6. Did you comment? Lol. So obnoxious...
  7. 
  8. Here is one big noob question: are you Damien or however it's spelled
  9. He's chance. Damien is AaronRodgers.
    I'm KM2
  10. I'm Chelsea! 
  11. I'm um... I know this one....
  12. I'm Kaylee! The one this thread is about. 
  13. I'm km2 chance.