To Europe, With Love

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. I want the international ava i hope i can get that ava...
  2. OMG, I would find someone to Love! You no its very hard finding Love IF ALL THE DAMN GUYS ALREADY HAS GIRLFRIENDS!!! Sorry
    Its just NO Guy is available ! :( So sad, but i hope i'll get to travel to the Love if you know what i mean (;
  3. Lol my god im such a nub
  4. What in the actual hell
  5. Cringe worthy
  6. I just noticed the picture has Ellie, Grant and Garret.on them.
  7. It actually works wow
  8. im a bit late w this but i love that the polaroids on the banner are signed from garnet+grant+ellie :') super cute  (+give ellie my love pls)
  9. oh my tutsie totally beat me to that observation :? still thooo
  10. My goal is 75 passports :)
  11. Great. Love good trip
  12. One day I'll be in the top 10.... One day.. *looks off into the distance*
  13. I accidentaly stamped all my passport :(
  14. What is main event
  15. ATA, please refund my passports back thank you
  16. I love u. TTothe moon and back
  17. Opened 400 passports and 30 gold key still no top10 or 100 ava? Why so cruel.