to Demo_n_magnify

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Betty_Decker, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Magnify! You just being corrupted as Terror. You accused everyone whom hiring your tutors as people whom helping Terror. Shame on you; you just a  who using a mask to "bring back PIMD like the old times", but the fact you just being greedy and selfish. If you don't want others to hire your tutors make them OverPriced. Biggest bidder keep!!! That is what you always say, in fact you that is just a piece of  sentence from your dirty mouth. Who are you?!?!?!????You just a big FUCK!! Go and join Terror yourself!!!! Do NOT ask people to join Terror. Magnify you are even worse then Terror. One last thing, you just Magnificent's ass licker. You just want Mag to pump credits on your account. I know exactly who are in Terror Club Announcement.

    This is my UDID: 580800a5fd6b405cb1fe1d41967d396e834841ff. Go ahead and use it, Mr. (__|__) licker.
  2. use your main acct
  3. I want a snake and a horsy! 
  4. I'll say it is extremely frustrating  especially when I can put the same status as those involved in farm war...
    I actually had it character for character at one point... aaaand my tutors were still hired away bye an immortals whom was involved in farm war (not going to say the name coz that's just attacking them and that's not why I'm here)

    But what pissed me off was that they also had a status saying do not hire blah blah blah I will farm blah blah blah... And there is only one thing that I noticed

    THEY WERE T5BC WHERE AS I AM 130kcs(ish)

    This pissed me off because if I hired from them without warning a tut of same value (just under 4b) then they would farm me, why? Because they have the stats to 

    Personally if they don't give a LEGITIMATE REASON in the status I hire  yes farm war (to me) is a legitimate reason and if their status mentions a farm war I leave it alone but if their status simply says

    don't hire my tutors

    I check to c their not in war... If not, who cares  they want to keep their tutors they can overprice them all

    From doing this I hav been threatened 3 times and told all those individuals to put a reason in their status none have

    Probably because "don't hire my tutors because I'm an asshole and want to keep them all for myself" doesn't look good 

    Umm there are a few people who hav the right idea... I.e their status will say "don't hire my tutors if u don't want me to hire yours"
     I say hell yea I'll take em u can hire from me 

    And demo u guys do own half the bloody market  sorry but it does get frustrating

    have a sale one day u guys would make so much 
  5. This is just ridiculous...

    The tutors are the ones who should be asked if they want to be hired period.
    A pupil does not own a tutor!

    It's a free market!
    You want to keep your tutor make it over priced!!!

    It's completely stupid and selfish to keep a tutor all to yourself just do you can get a better tb! That tutor might want to upgrade (although a few hires won't make a difference in your price range), or that tutor might not even like you and because of the stupidity of some the tutors are stuck.

    Ask the tutor if he want to get hired, if he does then the pupil can suck it up and find a new tutor!

    Just stop being cry babies and stop whining!

  6. I take it back. demo is terror in denial. And Ronny just stating what I hire that sells fast. These upgrades haven't paid for themselves. The good and not so good people of pimd have. Maybe I have bumped all the ranges up also  might want to re-check. Anyway

    tutors hire more  check first 5 pages for best statshirerepeat

    Additional protip
    Self pin on jobs and acquire credits for additional funds block the whiners delete their wall posts optional
  7. 

    That didn't last long!!!
  8. Not as long as my self pin shenanigans will last.
  9. I was talking about your "love" for demo 
  10. My love for them is ticking clock
    Demo you can suck my cock
  11. 
  12. She's got a good idea 
  13. Wow this thread is talking bout cheap tuts. Well what can you say of me being attacked because i repeatedly hired "someone's tut" that is worth 1k yes. Only 1k and less than 1kcs. He claims he owns it and attacks me repeatedly because he owns the tut. The nerve!!!'
  14. It's a fighting game afterall. You can hire, they can farm. I wonder who is whining? . If farming wasn't allowed, the devs would have put a limit on how much you can hit a person a day or something 
  15. Mari, did he tell you to stop after you hired?

    If he did, I'm siding with the dude who farmed you.
  16. I don't care one way or the other, but it does seem ironic that people are complaining about demo members bullying over tutors, as demo members used to complain about terror doing the same. Not sure what the point of demo is anymore. Maybe someone can enlighten me.
  17. Pot calling a kettle black.!!this is what describe them best betty.
  18. And we have reached our make ppl spend their time to farm with us.
  19. And one more advice, join the farm war..coz you can hire their tutors anytime.
  20. That looks like recruitment......