Monazite help please and thank you Mag, I don't know you but you can write about me living in Japan in your point of view I was born near Tokyo in the 90s.
Do it yourself for God sake. You're too dependable. No way you'll succeed in life by asking for someone to do the shit for them.
Mag pls follow me so i can take ss of the convo we had and show to pimd community...Lol...Then they will see i appologized for farming u because of sub club misunderstanding and it ended there until u again couldnt control Killer...Lol... i think the ppl have a right to know..
grow up people... This is just a game. Don't mix real life with a game. The ones that used money on the game and had to leave cos they couldn't handle a war... Well it was their decision since the beginning to spend money on it. So I think they did it knowing that... And since it's a game, either you win or lose. And if you don't wanna play rough, just don't enter the war and mind your own business. I don't agree with this farm war but hey... It is happening so.. We'll see what's next
Hey Mags!! Please explain to me why I was being farmed and stripped by your members before I joined TERROR?!?!? WHY do you think I joined?!?! TERROR never messed with me, only your club, who is supposed to stick up for us smaller players! I was only 100k cs when this went down. I joined here and tripled my stats. Maybe you should reevaluate your club standards and control your own members before you try to talk down to people and control people that you have no right to do so! I was actually glad when I heard there was a club that was going up against TERROR but then I learned that y'all were the same exact way! I had never done anything to your club, I'd ask before hiring tuts and I was in my own peaceful club if I wasn't a merc trying to upgrade. But you're completely wrong if you think your club is any different from any other club, especially TERROR! So bring it on!
Nice plea Maypud, please explain why you threatened my club over one member who didn't respect Terror? You should think about your own actions before you gripe with stronger players.
Maybe because your one player spoke for your whole club and said y'all would farm me! All because I stuck up for a friend that he was calling terrible names! So when he threatened me I DTW your top 6 players till your owner kicked him cause obviously he was challenging ppl without you knowing.
I was not aware of his name-calling but you could have told us about it before threatening us so we could reprimand him accordingly.