Sad to here. I've had some good conversations with you and I'll miss that. ignore the haters, it's pure jealousy. Good luck in real life and with chi. I'll miss you bro.
Good luck to you and Maggie.. She is the best for you boss, she is behind to support you in and out of the game. I dont know the exact number of ppl playing in this game but im pretty majority appreciate for what did.. You help and protect small players.. MAG, you are pimd's king
Aww bye mag hope for the best in your life and in chi's and I hope you both do well good luck and we will miss you both
Bye bro You trained me up since i was a noob still am to be fair haha.. Well bro all the best in life and take care
Can't thank you enough for everything u did. Have such a wonderful life ur name will live on in heart of pimd and all that knew u. Tc and enjoy
M4GN1F1C3NT was a true hero and friend he bought me a club he volleyed me but abandoned me he was a true person that kept his word I will miss u mag!!!!
Mag, you will still be the icon here in pimd and will be remembered. goodluck and wish you all the best in rl.
cujo gtf out this thread you're not invited. you quoted mag on 'gangsterism' but you? outlaw? but pimd player? LOL??? wgt.
Oh lord, there goes 95% of PIMD's profits.. But anyways, this guy was a total moron when it came to conversation, and he was full of himself. So I thought it was funny as hell. Good fight, wish we could've had an argument before you left, but I guess you'll have fun in another country. See yaaaa.