Tips on Performing Oral

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. Ew wtf are you talking about? This is a Christian safe space.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. I glad
  3. Idk if I've ever spoken about oral here
  4. I once choked during an oral presentation but was told it's okay just take my time and I was able to get all the way to the end of it after that :) I received some applause from the audience too. I felt special.
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  5. *raises hand*
  6. Oof ? I'm bad at that eye contact though
  7. It can be difficult and intimidating at times but rest assured eye contact can make your audience fall in love with or be disinterested in your oral performance. Always try your hardest.
  8. Jesus H Christ
  9. Oral recitation. Got it
  10. This was a good thread
    RoseMilkTea, Muschi and Zelda like this.
  11. 2019 was really a simple time
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  12. Ive never made eye contact with anyone ever in my life but people still think i have GREAT eye contact.
    Look at their nose or mouth or just to the side of their face. Then it looks like you are making eye contact but really you arnt. Its a win win
  13. I actually hated 2019 and am happier now, but globally yah
    Zelda and Ghastly like this.
  14. Happy that ur happier now.
    Zelda and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  15. Omg ATE_EM in this thread..... throwback.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  16. Remember to floss

  17. Wow I remember this thread. Oral presentations just aren't the same as they used to be before covid
    WhoTfIsWesday and Ghastly like this.
  18. How to unsee