Tips for Contacting Support and Getting a Faster Response

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2011.

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  1. If you reset your account, you can't get it back, you start again.
  2. No udid on android
  3. I reset my phone and lost all my stuff had to start over on my old account I was owner and I was wondering if pimd can give owner ship to –MK_seanmom– are club name is secretxsociety. Thx
  4. If i need to report something do i send an e-mail support?
  5. Yes, or you can send a feedback message.
  6. Hi i have reset my phone and i am wondering how to get my account back i cant remember the sign in times and day i set the account up i have spent money on that account too please help me i am on android btw
  7. Send an e-mail to and explain the situation. Make sure you include your username, game you play and what your issue is.
  8. slienced

    Bad46 I want to no why k.i.k is a bad word when it is a form of mms plz
  9. What if I just want to email a Great idea?
  10. How do i find my own udid so I can verify information later if my device fails etc? I'd like to protect the investmen.
  11. There are several apps that tell you what it is. There is somewhere under settings, but I forget where.
  12. everytime i send an email it never goes thru ? i need help my avator change tgan two days later my stats lowered by itself.... who can i ask to help fix this prob ?
  13. Connection to server lost!! Help me
  14. For shizzle mah nizzle
  15. We dont have an owner. He kicked himself. How do we get one?
  16. Thank you for this 
  17. Ironically every time I email support I do provide this information and the first response is asking for it again. If you are going to respond at least read the initial email because some of us do follow directions!
  18. Zz you probably thinking of the auto response 
  19. Ok what if i want to appeal my account to get unsilenced?
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