Tips for Contacting Support and Getting a Faster Response

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2011.

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  1. Plz tell me why resetting has been disabled???
  2. If you read the post, you have to send an email to reset.
  3. How do u take screen shots plz help I'm on an iPod if that helps
  4. Press the power button and home button together
  5. Dear PIMD I wanted to say thank you this thread is very usefull to me 
  6. How can I get my udid if I don't have my divice
  7. Why is Terror-bad-pitbull acct locked? What has he done n credits bought are being farned away! This is unfair as real money are spent n by locking the account is like a ripped off
  8. I'm having an issue my avatar is gone I have a grey screen where my avatar goes! What happen to my avatar ?
  9. That was my second time being muted not my third is there anyway I can get it back
  10. I have most of all my info to transfer but can't remember my exact start date.. Will this prohibit me from transferring to a new device?
  11. You can go on online forums via Computer and find one of your posts, next to it will be your post count and starting date. :)
  12. Reset please.
    User name: Al-Lexus_warrior
    Reason: no pupil hire me
  13. Good morning, I'd like to ask something about my speakers? I used to have around 20 of it before now I only got 5, I was wondering what happened. Can I ask for a clarification about it?
  14. Did you use them? By talking on campus chat?
  15. Can I text on PIMD AGAIN PLEASE
  16. Some times if u just send a email to them telling them what your after mike will reply and he will tell you what you have to do it always works for me
  17. Can someone unsilence me please
  18. I m having difficulties findin my acc creation date 
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